Member Spotlight: Loma Naser

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Introducing Loma:

Loma Naser is interested in creating financial tech solutions that are inclusive and capture new markets. She co-founded an e-wallet company in Jordan to serve the unbanked. She was previously a Chief Audit Executive and has extensive experience in risk, audit, governance, and process. 

Behind the Bio: Rapid fire questions.

What are you curious about? 

Financial inclusion, economic growth and recovery, financial sustainability, and helpful tech solutions. 

Where are you right now? What led to this moment?

At a crossroads between my old career and the tech sector. Curiosity and imagining what solutions and investment opportunities I would like to have access to as an individual, are what got me here. 

Who or what would you most like to influence or impact?

The current traditional debt focused economic growth model and the scarcity of alternative debt-free investment solutions 

What’s one thing you want more or less of in your life?

I would definitely love more time and travel

How can Mindhive help you in the future?

By continuing to discuss what matters and having access to mindhive thought leaders community. 

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