Publications Mindhive Publications Mindhive

Empowering Innovation from Within: 2024 Blueprint for Cost-Efficient Progress and Internal Synergy

As we embrace the challenges and opportunities of 2024, Mindhive emerges as a crucial partner for companies looking to be at the forefront of innovation. It is a platform that recognises and amplifies the potential within, offering a pathway to not just survive but thrive in a world where doing more with less is not just a necessity but an opportunity to redefine the very essence of value creation in the business world.

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Announcement Mindhive Announcement Mindhive

Mindhive Earth: Expanding Our Impact

Mindhive Earth will be dedicated exclusively to addressing the most pressing challenges of our time: sustainability and global issues. Our mission is to harness the collective power and knowledge of our diverse membership to make a tangible impact on these critical areas.

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Seminar Event Mindhive Seminar Event Mindhive

Innovating Infrastructure: The Ventia-Mindhive Collaboration

Ventia, a leading infrastructure services company, has been at the forefront of innovation and excellence. Recognising the untapped potential within its workforce, the Ventia team sought to transform Ventia into a hub of internal innovation. This case study examines how Ventia, with the help of Mindhive's collective intelligence platform, initiated a transformative process, embracing internal talent for innovative solutions.

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Publications Mindhive Publications Mindhive

Uniting Effort Project. Getting actionable insights on addressing youth crime in Rockhampton through Mindhive’s platform.

The Rockhampton Community Based Crime Action Committees (CBCAC) has utiliesed Mindhive platform to start an online discussion on the ‘Uniting Effort’ project. The Uniting Effort project aims to scope, define and propose approaches to bring all local organisations involved in addressing the complex issues underlying the emergence of youth crime. Social media marketing, media releases, and engagement activities boosted the awareness and reach. The campaign eventually brought in engagement and awareness of over 1,000 people from a range of professions and locations.

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Publications Mindhive Publications Mindhive

Mindhive CEO invited to Horasis Global Meeting

Toward a New Era of Peace and Sustainability

Horasis will convene the (digital) Horasis Global Meeting on 19th May – one of the foremost annual meetings of the world’s leaders from business, government and society.

The theme “Toward a New Era of Peace and Sustainability” is chosen so the Horasis community of more than 1000 selected world leaders (including several heads of governments and key ministers) can bring together their unparalleled experience to devise novel ideas to navigate through our developments in the post-COVID and post-Putin invasion of Ukraine. The need for sustainability has become very visible: the world sees how local communities have been devastated by fires, floods and famines; and in parallel, the devastation caused by the COVID pandemic. And following the unlawful invasion of the Ukraine by Russia, the probable war crimes, the actual devastation and the global political and economic barrier built against Russia will have effects for years to come: both in Russia and across the worlds’ economies.

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Publications Mindhive Publications Mindhive

Mindhive Announcement

Partnering with a long-term client, the Queensland University of Technology, Mindhive’ s collective intelligence capability will be utilised in bringing together 300+ stakeholders to improve procedures and systems as it transitions to becoming an insights-driven regulator and review its dispute resolution and decision-making processes.

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Publications Mindhive Publications Mindhive

BDO x PMDoS PMIQ Mindhive Report


With COVID-19 and other challenges, these past 18 months have been highly disruptive. While profound changes are unsettling, they present opportunities to re-evaluate the effectiveness of the not-for-profit (NFP) sector.

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